Thursday 9 February 2017

Hear Jesus' Voice

We saw bus 136 at the traffic junction. My son went, "Oh bus 136! We need to quickly run." As the traffic light was still red, I told him that we wouldn't be in time to run to the bus stop, so we would need to wait for the next bus. He said, "We need to wait very long." Usually, the intervals can be pretty long.

I responded, "You can pray and Jesus will answer you. It can be very fast." He prayed.

When we reached the bus stop (about 1 minute away), he exclaimed, "Oh 136 is so fast. It's here!" I turned around to look. It's 136. That was a pleasant surprise! We immediately thanked Jesus.

A thought then came to me on the bus. It's time for J to learn how to hear God's voice.

In the late evening, I told him, "J, it is very easy to hear Jesus' voice. He wants to speak to you. Papa will teach you."

He seemed excited.

We took a piece of paper and a colour pencil. I said, "Close your eyes. Now let's ask Jesus to speak. Ask Him about you."

He saw Thomas the engine. Now he had been talking about Tayo bus earlier, so this was spot on about who he is.

Thomas is a cheeky train. He's sociable and full of passion. As J was drawing, I told him what Jesus meant when He showed him Thomas.

We proceeded to ask Jesus about Mama. He saw Lego toy. Well, that speaks about his Mama indeed, in terms of her personality.

Then he asked Jesus about me. He saw a car. I understood the interpretation.

Last but not least, he asked Jesus about his friend, Josiah. He saw jigsaw puzzle. Not sure what it meant. Lol.

At the end of the session, I asked, "Is it easy to hear from Jesus?" He replied, "Yes!"

We can cultivate our child to commune with Him. No age is too small to hear from God. In fact, the earlier we can show him that it's easy, the more it becomes a strong foundation in his life. #nojuniorHolySpirit #fathering101

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