Saturday 25 February 2017

Part 5: Relationship and Identity

Part 5: Relationship and Identity

"Oh I think it's love at first sight..."
"My heart is racing..."
"I love the way he makes me feel..."

These are actually love out of sensuality - lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh. It boils down to self-centeredness. It's worldly love that does not represent heaven.

We don't enter a relationship to be loved. Neither do we enter one to feel complete. If we do so, we will end up in disappointment and heartache. Because love is never meant to be demanded from anyone. The definition of love is to give. John 3:16

The wedding vow has nothing in the list that talks about being loved. On the contrary, it says, "to love..."

You enter into a relationship TO love. Because you are not supposed to draw love from your partner. You are to draw from the perfect Love (Jesus). 1 John 4:19.

You enter into a relationship not to become or feel complete. No one can make you more complete than you already are in Christ. Col 2:10. 

To find someone else in a relationship so that you can be complete is to deny your true identity and walk contrary to it. Many women misplace their identity in the men they love and end up in despair and brokenness.

If we seek a relationship to be loved, we are not walking in the fulfillment of our true identity. #identity

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