Sunday 19 February 2017

Part 3: Position Or Identity

A senior pastor (not Methodist) once told me this, "If you leave this church ministry, you will no longer have the position of a youth pastor."

I replied, "It doesn't matter." He was pretty surprised at my reply. That's because he had tied his identity to his position.

Another person told me, "If you want to influence people, you need a higher position." It's the same - identity tied to position.

Strip anyone off his job title/ministry position and you will find out where he places his identity in.

If we need a position in order to influence, lead and/or serve in ministry, we fail to recognise who we really are in Christ. Joseph & Daniel showed us it is possible in the Old Covenant. Christ showed us it is possible in the New. 

Christ IN us is the Hope of glory. Christ IN us is more than enough to influence, lead and serve anywhere.

Your job title/ministry position does not determine your identity. On the contrary, your identity is your true position. You are sons & daughters of the most high God. That is the highest and the most privileged position. "We are seated with Christ in the heavenly places..."

If we walk in that revelation of our identity, there is no one we can't influence and lead, regardless of our position/title. #identity

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