Thursday 30 March 2017

God Withholds Things For Us, Not From Us

My son loves toys. I mean... which kid doesn't like toys? Till this day, I still find it intriguing that kids are born to love toys without anyone teaching them to do so.

As much as I love my son and I desire to bless him as much as I can, I limit the frequency and the number of toys he can buy. It's not because I don't want to bless him. It's not because I don't want to lavish on him. I would love to do so... but not at the expense of harming him.

Why do I say that?

Blessings can crush a person if he is not mature enough to handle them. Supposed that I buy a toy that is bulky and is suitable for age 10-12 for my 4-year old son. He may be extremely elated, but he would not be able to figure out how he could play with the toy. Because of his immaturity to handle the toy (which is a blessing), he ends up destroying the toy (blessing). The blessing would not be rightly stewarded.

At the same time, to bless him with everything he wants immediately destroys him. It will train him to become complacent. He will not have the ability to delay gratification. He will not truly know what he desires. The list can go on. But the most important thing is this... he will not grow in intimacy with me as a father.

If God simply releases every blessing to us immediately, we will stop going to Him and ask. In other words, we will sell cheap on our intimacy with Him in exchange for the blessing.

God withholds things not from us. He withholds things for us.

The reason why I withhold certain toys and blessings FOR my son is because I love him. I can't wait for him to grow to handle the blessings. But because he is still growing, I have to protect him by withholding FOR him.

Part 14: Forgiveness And Identity

Jesus, on the Cross, cried out one of the most significant prayers, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

To forgive someone despite of what he did is to separate his identity from his sin.

The Jews didn't know what they were doing to Jesus. They were blinded from their true identity. Because if they really know what they were doing, they would not do what they did.

They say, "Hurt people hurt people." People who hurt others do not really know what they do, because they do not really know their true identity. If the light comes on them and gives them a revelation and understanding of who they truly are, they would not have hurt you.

Jesus saw that clearly. He separated our sin from our identity on the Cross. For He did not just come to die for our sin. He came to restore our identity.

Once you know your identity, you will not want to do what you do. If you are worthless and undeserving, you will do what is worthless and useless. But if you are worthy and deserving because of what Jesus saw in your value, you will do what is honourable because of Whose you are.

We don't have to try hard to forgive others, if we separate their identity from their sin against us. If we can't forgive, that's because we haven't truly seen and understood our own identity. We haven't understood the forgiveness on the Cross --- Jesus separated who we are from what we do. 

The reality of what Jesus did on the Cross doesn't just empower us to forgive. It becomes who we are. We BECOME forgiveness. We BECOME ministers of reconciliation. The very nature of forgiveness is in our identity.

You don't need an inner healing if you hold on to the inner truth of who you are. Because inner healing may set you free for a season. But it won't keep you free forever.

Yet if we realise who we are, we can cancel our lifetime subscription to unforgiveness. #identity


Sunday 26 March 2017

Part 13: Sin and Identity

Part 13: Sin and Identity

There is just so much to talk about in this one topic that it is impossible to cover in a short sharing.

For far too long, many of us have been taught that we are sinners saved by God's grace. We are taught that we still have a sinful nature that has an inclination to sin. We are taught that our flesh is sinful and we can't help but sin. At the same time, we have sermons going, "If you truly love God, you will not sin! Let your love for God be greater than your desire to sin!"

Well, that is not empowerment. That is religion. It has no power to set us free from sin.

Read Romans 5-8 in one sitting and you will discover that Romans 6 reveals the truth of our identity in Christ, Romans 7 reveals a life without Christ and Romans 8 reveals the true life with Christ. However, if you choose to think that Romans 7 is for you, then you will never be free from sin. Because only right believing produces right living.

The Gospel did not begin with us as sinners. That would miss a huge part of truth. We were sons of God. Adam was God's son. We became lost because of the Fall. We were never created with a sinful nature. We were not sinners to begin with. We were sons!

Jesus did not just come to die for our sin. He came for FAR MORE. He died to restore us back to our original created value - sonship. The Cross is not a revelation of sin. The Cross is a revelation of sons. 

The Perfect Son was bruised beyond recognition so that we can be recognised as sons. For a moment, Jesus lost His identity (2 Cor 5:21; Matt 27:46) so that our identity can be fully restored. Because of His Body, we have forgiveness. Because of His Blood, we have redemption. We are redeemed to the position before the Fall of Adam - true sons of God.

Just as Jesus and Adam had a divine nature (Gen 2:7; Jn 20:22), we too, have a divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), created & renewed in the image of God (Gen 1:27; Col 3:10). We are a new creation (2 Cor 5:17) who have been made righteous in Christ (2 Cor 5:21).

Since the very nature of Christ is in us and we are one with Him (1 Cor 6:17), our natural inclination is to live righteously. We no longer have a desire to sin (Rom 6:6). Our flesh is no longer sinful, but neutral (Rom 6:13). We can now choose to present the members of our body as instruments of righteousness. We are now FREE from sin (Rom 6:7). Jesus!

Romans 6:11-12 -  Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts...

If a person is dead to something, he can no longer respond to that thing. He simply has no desire for it. He simply doesn't respond to it. Similarly, if we are dead to sin, we can no longer respond to it.

This is our identity in Christ: Dead to sin, alive to God. The old man had died (Rom 6:6). The new man is alive (2 Cor 5:17). To say that we still have a sinful nature is to resurrect what is already dead. That's what the devil wants us to do. Resurrect the old man and continue to live in sin. Because if you don't know the truth, you will never be free (Jn 8:32).

" not let sin reign..." - If we can choose NOT to let sin reign, it is clear that we are no longer sinful. Don't let sin define you. Let Christ define you.

" not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts..." - Notice, it refers to sin's lusts, not your lusts. Because when a sinful thought or desire knocks on your door, it is standing outside the door and trying to come in. You can choose to open the door or you can choose to thank God that it is NOT your thought and desire.

If you believe that it is still you having that sinful thought and desire, then you allow sin to become your identity and you let it enter your house. That's when you stumble.

But if you believe that it is NO LONGER you who has that sinful thought and desire, and it is on the outside trying to come in, then you are walking in your identity, and you shall remain free from sin.

If Jesus could walk 100% free from sin, we too, can walk 100% free from sin. Most parts of the church don't teach that. But I like a quote from Georgian Banov - "If we can't be free from sin until we die, then death is our saviour, not Jesus."

Apostle John taught clearly in 1 John 2:1 - My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

Apparently, John wrote to the believers truth SO THAT they may not sin. John did not think that sinning is a commonplace that would eventually happen. He wrote, "IF anyone sins", not "WHEN anyone sins". If we are called to represent Christ, then we are called to represent Him in every respect, be it love, power or holiness. As Christ is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). 

Question: What if I stumble?

Rom 6:4 - Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death...

The words "have been" reveal what is present perfect continuous. In Hebrew, it can be used without regard for past, present or future. While we (the old sinful man) had been buried with Christ into His death, we are to let that truth remain true even IF we stumble. It was a past event that is still true to this day.

One day, I was communing with God on this verse when He suddenly gave me a vision of a coffin sinking deep into the ocean. I had raised my voice at my son earlier in the morning due to his continual disobedience to respond to what I was saying. That response from me sure didn't match the life of Christ at that moment.

He said, "Well. What you did just now is not the true you. The true you is the life of Christ. Therefore, that man who raised the voice at your son is already dead in the coffin, sinking deep into the ocean. Do not think about it. Because you are a new creation, created and renewed in the image of Christ. Think Christ."

I immediately understood what He meant in the light and the context of Romans 6. IF you ever stumble, whether it was years ago, months ago, days ago, hours ago or even seconds ago, that man had been buried with Christ into His death. You can thank God that it is not the true you. Because the true you is who Christ is. That's your identity.

Do not let what you have done (sin) become your identity. Let what Christ has done become your identity. If we continue in the truth, we will know the truth and the truth shall make us FREE. #identity

P.S: There is so much more about sin and identity. It's one of the biggest topics where we need to know the truth from the Scriptures.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

The Favour Of God

The Favour Of God

Jacob had 12 sons, but he only favoured one - Joseph. He loved him and lavished on him. The rest of the sons could not receive the same favour.

This is common in a family where the parents favour one particular child over the rest, especially when the child is almost perfect: well-loved, well-behaved, intelligent, obedient, respectful, and the list goes on.

But God is a different kind of Father. He is a good, good Father. While He has every reason to lavish on His Perfect Son, who is flawless in every respect, He did not spare Him. 

He did not spare the Perfect & Flawless Son, so that we who were imperfect, weak, and "unfavoured" can become His favoured ones.

He did not spare His only favoured One, so that we could all receive the same favour Jesus has.

You and I are now the Father's favorite in equal measure.

Friday 17 March 2017

Brand new mind, Brand new identity

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. - Romans 12:2

The word 'transform' comes from the word 'transfigure' which happened to Jesus when He was at the Mount of Transfiguration. His whole body was completely changed to a new form. That incident is a prophetic revelation of what every believer can be. The new form is what we, who are in Christ, is to be transfigured into. In Christ, we are a new creation. We have a new man that is no longer sinful but righteous.

Jesus' mind was completely renewed. Thus, His body was completely transfigured. We are meant to live and walk like Jesus. We are to be completely transformed (transfigured: changed into a new form) by the renewing of our mind.

The word 'renew' comes from the word 'anakainoō', which is 'to be changed into a new kind of life as opposed to the former corrupt state'. It is a complete change for the better. Mind renewal is NOT a process where we let our old mind be transformed by the Word. Our old mind can never be transformed because it is demonic in nature.

A good example is when Jesus rebuked Peter as the latter used his natural (demonic) mind when Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer and die.

'But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”' - Matthew 16:23

According to Jesus, to think like men is to think against God. It is demonic in nature. Our old nature acts in accordance to the things of men (Satan). We can never think like God until Christ is in us. Now when we are in Christ, we have a new nature and a new mind: The mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16). Our old sinful nature and old mind are dead (Romans 6:6). We have a new nature (Ephesians 4:24; 2 Peter 1:4).

The Living Bible translates it well. 'Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a NEW and DIFFERENT person with a fresh NEWNESS in all you do and THINK.' - Romans 12:2

Mind renewal is not a process where our old mind is transformed to become new by the Word. It never happens. Mind renewal is to live out who we REALLY are: A new man with a new mind, already created in Christ. Let this new mind affect every area of our lives.

To the degree we live out the new mind, to that degree our body will be transfigured.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Part 12: Personality and Identity

Part 12: Personality and Identity

I have done a number of personality tests in the past. They are fun to do and they give a good indication of my personality. In DISC profiling test, I'm a DS. It's a conflicting personality, because D and S are the exact opposite. As a DS, I have totally no problem sitting in a cafe all by myself, having a cup of latte while reading a book. I'm very comfortable being alone and not talking to anyone. But when I head a team or a project, it is natural for me to function as a D.

In the past, I lived according to my personality. I would not talk to anyone. I didn't want to. It wasn't comfortable. But now, I'm very comfortable talking to anyone. There is hardly anyone I can't talk to, by the grace and the transformation of God. Why? Because I'm walking in a higher truth than my personality - my true identity.

Presenting and demonstrating the Gospel to people is not reserved for a certain personality. It's for every believer. Else the Great Commission would have been, "Therefore, only for those of you who are extroverted, go and preach the Gospel to all creation..."

DISC and other personality tests are not the most accurate gauge on who we really are. They may be true in some ways psychologically, but they may also hinder our true identity.

I have heard many people say, "I can't do that. It's just not my personality. I don't feel comfortable. That's not me."

That may sound true but it's not the truth.

While God can work through our personality, He is not limited by our personality.

To be put in a place outside of our personality will make us uncomfortable. But that's the reason why the Comforter (Holy Spirit) is with us. If we are always comfortable, we don't need Him.

Besides, Phil 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

To focus on our personality apart from our identity is to focus on the old self. It boils down to self-image. Self-consciousness. Self... That old self was crucified with Christ on the Cross.  Stop resurrecting what had died. The new self is created in the image of Christ.

To be Christ-like is to be like Christ. It's to go beyond our personality and walk in our identity.

My personality may be close to a DS (DISC profile), but I'm much more than a DS. I am called to represent Christ. Christ is not a DS. He is the fullness of God manifested.

The next time someone says to you, "This is my personality. I can't help it." You reply, "You are far more than this. Your potential is all that Christ is."

Our personality cannot be "larger" than our identity in Christ. #identity

Tuesday 14 March 2017

J was disciplining

J was disciplining his two little fishes last evening. They were fighting.

J: I say no fighting!
J: You cannot fight.
J: Later one of you dies!
J: He's your friend, you know?
J: Later you have no more friend and you are alone.


Vengeance of The Lord

Vengeance of The Lord

God's vengeance is completely different from human's vengeance.

Human's vengeance focuses on revenge and justice against another human. It is self-centred because it boils down to self.

God's vengeance does not focus on people. He focuses on justice against the devil. The justice is defined through the Cross.

In Luke 4, we see Jesus as the fulfillment of Isaiah 61.

"Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." - Luke 4:21

In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus stopped at "To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."

In Isaiah 61:1-7, it was a complete list.

"To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner
shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But you shall be named the priests of the Lord, they shall call you the servants of ou God. You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory you shall boast. Instead of your shame you shall have double honor, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; everlasting joy shall be theirs." (v2-7)

Jesus stopped at proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord (Jubilee). He did not continue with "and the day of vengeance of our God..." Why? Because He is the fulfillment of God's vengeance. He satisfied the requirements of the Law so that we become the righteousness of God. Righteousness met justice on the Cross 2000 years ago.

Today, God's vengeance is His vindication. He vindicates us from the accusation of the devil. Even when someone cooperates with darkness to accuse, attack or hurt us, God's vengeance is to reveal His love to that person and restore his original value, so that he can be who he was created to be. 

God "revenges" by loving people. That destroys hell and the nature of the devil. That is justice against the devil. That is the vengeance of the Lord. For mercy always triumphs over judgment.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Part 11: Prophecy and Identity

Part 11: Prophecy and Identity

The New Covenant prophecies are meant for encouragement, comfort and edification (confirmation). 1 Cor 14:3.

In other words, we are not supposed to chase after prophecies for directions in life. Just because two or three prophets prophesied the same direction for your life do not mean that it is accurate and directional. It should be a confirmation of what God has already spoken to you. Our Father loves us so much that He is more than willing to speak to us personally on life direction.

Since prophecy boils down to hearing the voice of our Father, it is not difficult to hear from Him for ourselves. He is our Shepherd and we are His sheep. It is natural for the sheep to recognise the Shepherd's voice. Furthermore, He is our Father. The key is to trust, rest and abide in His love.

As a father, the responsibility to communicate to my son in a way he understands lies more on me than on him. Similarly, our Father desires to speak to us in a way we understand and He does so. We can simply rest and take the burden off our shoulders.

Because New Covenant is about sonship and identity, we can hear directly from Him concerning our life direction without a third party. Our life is significant enough for Him to speak to us directly as we seek Him in relationship and intimacy.

I have seen many believers queuing for their turn to be prophesied by one prophet after another prophet. That can really hinder identity, depending on the motive.

Some keep going from one to another and they take the prophecies so seriously,  without bringing them to process with the Father. We are His sons and daughters. We can have direct communion with Him.

Remember, prophecies are meant for confirmation/edification, comfort and encouragement. The problem is when we start treating the prophecies we've received as directions and statutes. We end up confused, disappointed and never growing in maturity in our identity.

One of the primary purposes of prophecy is to encourage us to have personal communion with the Father. Just as Sunday sermons are meant to encourage us to go deeper in the Word by and for ourselves, prophecies are likewise meant to "push" us into intimacy with the Father. Often, a lack of personal communion results in people chasing after prophecies.

When God speaks to you through another via prophecy, it is more often than not, what He has already revealed in His Word. For example, someone can prophesy on you and say, "God is going to release healing anointing on you. You will see many people healed from all kinds of sicknesses." 

Well, in reality, this is not something God is really going to do. He has already done it 2000 years ago on the Cross. He has already promised that in Mark 16:17-18 for every believer. The reason why prophecy is often spoken as though it is in the present or the future is either because you are not yet doing it or God wants you to renew your mind to what the Word has said. He wants you to see what He sees. Until you see what He sees, you won't do what He has said. When prophecy is released in that manner, it builds faith in you to believe in the prophecy --- which is simply what the Bible has said 2000 years ago.

Someone can prophesy, "God is releasing greater authority for you to walk in. You will see people walking out of wheelchairs and demons being cast out." The truth is, God has already given you the full authority in Christ the moment you became a believer (Matt 28:18). But the prophecy is to encourage and spur you on to start walking in what He has already said in the Word. Because without the prophecy, you are not going to move. So He gives you a "free kick on the butt" through prophecy so that you will move in faith.

What I'm saying is this... if we focus on walking in our identity according to the Word, we don't need to go after prophecies. If the prophecies come, they are what we have already heard during our personal communion with the Father. 

We need to go to the secret place because the Father longs to commune with His sons and daughters personally. #identity

P.S: In the New Covenant, every believer can prophesy, but not all are called to be New Covenant prophets (Eph 4:11). NT prophets should empower believers to hear God for themselves, instead of hearing God for them.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

F&S Day @KidsStop

F&S Day @KidsStop

Glad he enjoyed it though it's quite a distance from our home.

We ministered to two staff through WOK and healing. One of them was so shocked that she kept asking many questions. Often, the non-believers are more open to the spiritual than believers. 

A barista also got healed through WOK. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #fathering101

Next round - he wanna go Snowcity

Spontaneous Affection

J was tired, so he lay on the stroller. After a while, he sat up, looked at me and said, "Papa, I love you." 😍😍😍

Spontaneous affection from our heart touches the heart of our heavenly Father.

"Abba, I love You too."

His whole tangible presence was around me after I said that to Him. Man, this is the moment you feel like crying.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Part 10: Signs & Wonders and Identity

Signs and wonders had been the norm in the early church after the Day of Pentecost. Then there was a period where they went silent in history before 'restoration' came.

Signs and wonders are simply part of the Gospel. Or rather, without signs and wonders, it will not be a complete Gospel.

However, while signs and wonders point people to the reality of God, they don't transform lives. In today's world, there are too many believers who are excited about signs and wonders but they miss the purpose of the Gospel. 

Some pursue signs and wonders to the other extreme where they start focusing on angels, heaven's visitations, transportation, gold dust, etc, just to name a few. These may sound exciting but it has nothing to do with the Gospel. You just have to read the four books of the Gospel to know what Jesus focused on.

Others pursue signs and wonders like healing, miracles, prophecies, etc but there is no fruit in their lives. In other words, they walk in extreme power but not in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

In a third world nation like Indonesia, signs and wonders are the commonplace. I heard from my Indo pastor friend that they regularly have tremendous miracles in their local crusades. Honestly, they don't need another speaker to come in and 'perform' signs and wonders. However, there are many other issues among the churches and the pastors that boil down to one thing - not knowing their identity.

Teach the church on signs and wonders and the church will still be messed up. Just look at the Corinthian Church. But teach the church on identity and they will bring down heaven. Revivals didn't produce abiding fruit because people didn't understand identity.

Pursuing signs and wonders only reveals one thing. People are building their identity in the wrong place. Because signs and wonders do not transform lives. Only identity does.

The mercy of God allows one to live in sin and yet walk in the supernatural. Of course, this is not the heart of God. Bill Johnson said, "Gifts are free. But maturity is expensive." 

To mature in Christ is to pursue the identity that Christ had paid for us to walk in - the same nature that He has.

You can walk in signs and wonders without walking in your identity. But you can't walk in your identity without naturally producing signs and wonders.

Be excited about signs and wonders. But pursue identity and let the supernatural be part of your identity. Not the other way round. #identity

Monday 6 March 2017

Part 9: Experiences & Identity

Part 9: Experiences & Identity

Many people like to live by experiences and take glory in their past/present achievements. This is when we allow our experiences and achievements to replace our identity, and we are bound by them. We let our experiences and what we had been through / are going through determine our identity instead of letting what Christ has gone through determine our identity.

Apostle Paul thought otherwise. He said in Phil 3:7-9, "I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with Him."

Paul had much achievements to glory about. But he considered all of them as rubbish. He simply wanted to be one with Christ.

To be one with Christ is to reflect Him and to see life through the life of Christ, regardless of the circumstances.

We could have much life experiences.
We could have much achievements.
We could have even many testimonies to share.

But if we are not seeing through Christ because of these, we have allowed them to become our identity. Just because we have some experiences do not mean we know better than others who haven't gone through the same.

I have met elderly ones (and I honour them) who were quick to advise because of their experiences. But when they were confronted by truth, they backed down and realised what they shared is not aligned to truth. 

We don't take glory in our experiences. We take glory in Him and His truth.

Others think that if you haven't been through what they have been though, you won't understand and you have no rights to minister to them. If we need to be a drug addict in order to minister to a drug addict, then the Gospel is powerless and Jesus, the Perfect One, could not minister to anyone.

Some say that experience is your teacher. It may be true but it is not the truth. Truth says that the Holy Spirit is your teacher (John 14:26). He is the Spirit of Truth.

Truth doesn't look at experiences and bow. On the contrary, experiences have to look at truth and bow. Ultimately, it's not the experiences that are going to transform us. It's truth that transforms and makes us free. If experiences transform us, then we don't need Christ. In a nutshell, it's knowing Christ and becoming like Him that matters.

On the other side of the coin:

Someone could have wronged us in the past...
Someone could have hurt us in the past...
Someone could have abused us in the past...
We could have been an ex-convict...
We could have been living in a mess...

If we still hold on to this past, we are continually allowing it to determine our identity and we can't walk free.

Paul said, "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." - Phil 3:13-14

Every past is behind you. It has no effect on the new you unless you turn around and look back (that's the danger of being like Lot's wife). The new you only presses toward becoming all that Christ has paid for you to walk in.

Romans 8:38-39 - For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Nothing can separate us from receiving His love. Neither the present nor the future. But the past is not in the list. Because holding on to the past (experiences) can separate us from receiving His love and knowing our identity.

This is why Paul resolved to know nothing except Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor 2:2). His focus was never about his experiences. His focus was always on the finished work of Christ.

Never judge who you are by your experiences. Judge who you are by the Cross and His love. That doesn't just make you free. It keeps you free, regardless of your past experiences and what you are going through. #identity

Christ In You, the Hope of Glory

Part 8: Carnal Mind And Identity

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. - Romans 8:5-8

To set your mind on the things of the flesh is to be carnally minded. The carnal mind is always hostile against what God is doing. It focuses on what is external, visible and temporal. That produces death (v6). Reading the news and hearing doctor's report feed the carnal mind.

To set your mind on the things of the Spirit is to be spiritually minded. The spiritual mind is in complete agreement with what God is doing. It focuses on what is internal, invisible and eternal. Reading the Word feeds the spiritual mind.

Often, however, we let what we see in the external affects what we should see in the internal. That produces death in every area.

Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. The opposite is also true. Those who are in the Spirit please God. What does it mean to be in the Spirit? By living by faith (Heb 11:6).

Faith agrees completely with the Word of God. Faith sees the invisible, internal and eternal. Faith stays in the realm of what God is doing.

To live by faith is actually setting your mind in the things of the Spirit. To live by faith is being spiritually minded. 

Faith agrees with all that God says you are - your true identity. What you think is not who you are. What God thinks about you is the real you.

Thus, to be spiritually minded is really about living by faith in your true identity. You remain steadfast and immovable in your identity, regardless of the circumstances, even in the face of harsh reality. This is the reason why the Bible says "the just shall live by faith". It produces (zoe) life and (shalom) peace (v6).

When life is released to the body, you get healing. When life is released to the soul, you get deliverance. Hence, healing and deliverance are simply a result of walking by faith in your true identity. 

You have insomnia? Live by faith in your identity and it has to leave. You have sickness? Live by faith in your identity and it has to go.
You need deliverance? Live by faith in your identity and you will be delivered.

When you keep living by faith in your identity, LIFE is the only outcome. #identity

Thursday 2 March 2017


"Papa, when I grow up, you still love me and I'm still your precious, right?"

"Yes. Always."

Part 7: Impartation And Identity

Part 7: Impartation And Identity

This post may step on the toes of some people, but I genuinely desire that we walk in our true identity. I am not against impartation. I am FOR identity. I am big on identity. Because I believe that identity is everything in life.

Believers are running from one conference to another chasing after speakers to lay hand on them for impartation. It is a holy, religious thing to say that we are only seeking Jesus, yet we run after men of God for impartation. Some will say, "Oh, we are honouring the anointing that God has put on that man of God." As far as I know from the Bible, there is only one anointing - the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27). The anointing is in every believer.

Others may say, "Oh, I'm honouring the gift that God has given to that man." As far as I know from the Bible, the gift of the Holy Spirit gives us access to all the manifestations (1 Cor 12:4). The reason why some believers are not walking in all the manifestations is because they either don't believe or they have not learnt how to step into it.

I have heard speakers say, "When I lay hand on you for impartation, all of you will receive the same impartation, whether you feel it or not, whether you fall under power or not." But the very same speaker also says, "Before I lay hand on you, how many of you are already shaking, feeling the heat, etc... I want these people to come to the front for me to lay hand on you because God is imparting gifts to you..." This kind of teaching teaches people to walk by manifestation and sight, instead of by truth. For those who feel nothing at all will naturally think that they receive nothing, or they don't have something special from the Lord. 

Impartation, really, destroys identity.

The only impartation that is biblical is the impartation of the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17; 19:6). You can call it the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When someone lays hand on you for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Holy Spirit comes upon you together with all other manifestations and spiritual gifts. Some people manifest tangibly. Some don't. Manifestation has nothing to do with receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is always by grace through faith. Yet God, in His grace, releases certain gifts to certain people through this laying on of hands. It, however, doesn't mean that an individual, who didn't seem to receive these certain gifts through the laying on of hands, cannot operate in them. He has the Holy Spirit, WHO has all the gifts. Thus, he can still operate in them by grace through faith. This has to do with identity.

Jesus didn't have any impartation. He only had the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul did not have any impartation except the laying on of hands by Ananias to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Paul spent time in personal communion with God before he began his Gentile ministry and walked in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. It reveals the importance of identity - if you have the Holy Spirit, you can operate in the gifts.

In the last group outreach, a friend who never saw any healing before witnessed three cases of instant healing through his own hand. There was no impartation involved. We have seen this happened over and over and over again. I have made it a point never to pray for anyone to walk in healing. They don't need my prayer or my hand. They just need to know their identity as a child of God.

The reason why an individual can suddenly operate in healing is because of the activation of faith. Faith always opens the door to the supernatural. When someone joins us for a healing outreach, he sees what is possible with his own eyes. Faith is "borrowed" and activated. His mind is renewed to the present truth. And he starts walking in healing. It has nothing to do with impartation. It has everything to do with walking in his identity because he has the same anointing ---- the same Holy Spirit.

If we can stop going after impartation, we will start going after incarnation - being the very manifested sons and daughters of God. Christ IN us is the Hope of glory. #identity

Part 6: Generational Curses And Identity

Part 6: Generational Curses And Identity

Those who believe in generational curses can only quote the Old Testament Scriptures, especially Exo 20:5; Num 14:18; Jer 14:10, etc. But they forget to read Jeremiah 31. The whole game changes in Jer 31:31-34. It prophesied of the NEW COVENANT. v34: "For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”

The curse of the law fell on Jesus on the Cross. He broke every curse in that place so that we can be free from every curse. (Gal 3:13). But if we think that we are still under a curse, we will suffer for the lack of understanding.

I have worked with people who sincerely believe in generational curses because of the wrong teachings they were taught by the church. Some of them have even, one way or another, gone through personal experiences. But we can choose to live by experiences or live by the truth in His Word. Every experience should line up with the truth. Just because a New Age person chanted on me and set me free from a certain bondage doesn't mean that it is the truth. Similarly, just because someone is taken through a session of renouncing the past sins of their ancestors and breaking the curses doesn't mean it is the truth. It may set you free, but it builds another lie/bondage in your life.

The truth of Christ makes you free and if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed (John 8:36). There is nothing that the finished work of Christ cannot do. The Gospel itself is powerful enough for all circumstances. The need for other "methods" simply undermine the work of Christ and our true identity.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. - 2 Cor 5:17

"All things" means all things. Everything of the past has passed away. Nothing of the past can hold on to your new life in Christ, unless you hold on to that past. If you want to renounce the sins of the past generations, you may as well renounce all the way back to Abraham, Noah and finally Adam.

Your previous generation is Christ. Your only ancestor is Christ. Christ did a perfect work of redemption. He did not just remove your sins. He removed the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2). Since God lives outside of time, all the past sins (including all generations) were dealt with on the Cross once and for all. The only issue now is unbelief. This is why Christ said that the work of God is to BELIEVE in Him whom God sent (John 6:29). The moment you believe in Christ, your past is completely wiped away. Your old life is completely dead. 

We died with Christ and were baptised into His death (Rom 6:4, 8). We were never meant to resurrect the old experiences/traumas of life. They were buried completely. We begin our new life afresh in Christ and we keep heading towards the fullness of who we were created to be. That's keeping the faith (2 Tim 4:7). That's fighting the good fight of faith.

Therefore, what makes us free is not a session of breaking/renouncing curses. Jesus never ever taught that. Neither did He ever do that. He only said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) 

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. Col 1:17

We are not trying to be delivered. We are already delivered from the power of darkness by Christ.

What makes us free is simply knowing our true identity as sons and daughters of God. We have been freed from every curse. We are under the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. Identity is everything in life. #identity

P.S: In Christ, I only have generational blessings.