Thursday 30 March 2017

God Withholds Things For Us, Not From Us

My son loves toys. I mean... which kid doesn't like toys? Till this day, I still find it intriguing that kids are born to love toys without anyone teaching them to do so.

As much as I love my son and I desire to bless him as much as I can, I limit the frequency and the number of toys he can buy. It's not because I don't want to bless him. It's not because I don't want to lavish on him. I would love to do so... but not at the expense of harming him.

Why do I say that?

Blessings can crush a person if he is not mature enough to handle them. Supposed that I buy a toy that is bulky and is suitable for age 10-12 for my 4-year old son. He may be extremely elated, but he would not be able to figure out how he could play with the toy. Because of his immaturity to handle the toy (which is a blessing), he ends up destroying the toy (blessing). The blessing would not be rightly stewarded.

At the same time, to bless him with everything he wants immediately destroys him. It will train him to become complacent. He will not have the ability to delay gratification. He will not truly know what he desires. The list can go on. But the most important thing is this... he will not grow in intimacy with me as a father.

If God simply releases every blessing to us immediately, we will stop going to Him and ask. In other words, we will sell cheap on our intimacy with Him in exchange for the blessing.

God withholds things not from us. He withholds things for us.

The reason why I withhold certain toys and blessings FOR my son is because I love him. I can't wait for him to grow to handle the blessings. But because he is still growing, I have to protect him by withholding FOR him.

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