Thursday 2 March 2017

Part 7: Impartation And Identity

Part 7: Impartation And Identity

This post may step on the toes of some people, but I genuinely desire that we walk in our true identity. I am not against impartation. I am FOR identity. I am big on identity. Because I believe that identity is everything in life.

Believers are running from one conference to another chasing after speakers to lay hand on them for impartation. It is a holy, religious thing to say that we are only seeking Jesus, yet we run after men of God for impartation. Some will say, "Oh, we are honouring the anointing that God has put on that man of God." As far as I know from the Bible, there is only one anointing - the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27). The anointing is in every believer.

Others may say, "Oh, I'm honouring the gift that God has given to that man." As far as I know from the Bible, the gift of the Holy Spirit gives us access to all the manifestations (1 Cor 12:4). The reason why some believers are not walking in all the manifestations is because they either don't believe or they have not learnt how to step into it.

I have heard speakers say, "When I lay hand on you for impartation, all of you will receive the same impartation, whether you feel it or not, whether you fall under power or not." But the very same speaker also says, "Before I lay hand on you, how many of you are already shaking, feeling the heat, etc... I want these people to come to the front for me to lay hand on you because God is imparting gifts to you..." This kind of teaching teaches people to walk by manifestation and sight, instead of by truth. For those who feel nothing at all will naturally think that they receive nothing, or they don't have something special from the Lord. 

Impartation, really, destroys identity.

The only impartation that is biblical is the impartation of the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17; 19:6). You can call it the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When someone lays hand on you for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Holy Spirit comes upon you together with all other manifestations and spiritual gifts. Some people manifest tangibly. Some don't. Manifestation has nothing to do with receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is always by grace through faith. Yet God, in His grace, releases certain gifts to certain people through this laying on of hands. It, however, doesn't mean that an individual, who didn't seem to receive these certain gifts through the laying on of hands, cannot operate in them. He has the Holy Spirit, WHO has all the gifts. Thus, he can still operate in them by grace through faith. This has to do with identity.

Jesus didn't have any impartation. He only had the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul did not have any impartation except the laying on of hands by Ananias to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Paul spent time in personal communion with God before he began his Gentile ministry and walked in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. It reveals the importance of identity - if you have the Holy Spirit, you can operate in the gifts.

In the last group outreach, a friend who never saw any healing before witnessed three cases of instant healing through his own hand. There was no impartation involved. We have seen this happened over and over and over again. I have made it a point never to pray for anyone to walk in healing. They don't need my prayer or my hand. They just need to know their identity as a child of God.

The reason why an individual can suddenly operate in healing is because of the activation of faith. Faith always opens the door to the supernatural. When someone joins us for a healing outreach, he sees what is possible with his own eyes. Faith is "borrowed" and activated. His mind is renewed to the present truth. And he starts walking in healing. It has nothing to do with impartation. It has everything to do with walking in his identity because he has the same anointing ---- the same Holy Spirit.

If we can stop going after impartation, we will start going after incarnation - being the very manifested sons and daughters of God. Christ IN us is the Hope of glory. #identity

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