Wednesday 22 March 2017

The Favour Of God

The Favour Of God

Jacob had 12 sons, but he only favoured one - Joseph. He loved him and lavished on him. The rest of the sons could not receive the same favour.

This is common in a family where the parents favour one particular child over the rest, especially when the child is almost perfect: well-loved, well-behaved, intelligent, obedient, respectful, and the list goes on.

But God is a different kind of Father. He is a good, good Father. While He has every reason to lavish on His Perfect Son, who is flawless in every respect, He did not spare Him. 

He did not spare the Perfect & Flawless Son, so that we who were imperfect, weak, and "unfavoured" can become His favoured ones.

He did not spare His only favoured One, so that we could all receive the same favour Jesus has.

You and I are now the Father's favorite in equal measure.

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