Friday 17 August 2018

Modeling Evangelism

“Papa, does Ah Gong and Ah Ma know Jesus?”

Papa: Ah Ma knows but not Ah Gong.

J: Why you never tell Ah Gong about Jesus?

Papa: I did. But he didn’t believe. We can pray.

J: I have already prayed for them. I also prayed for all my friends in school to know Jesus. I told them but they didn’t believe.

Papa: When did you pray?

J: During nap times... I prayed softly.

Papa: Can you pray for Ah Gong again?

J closed his eyes and whispered a prayer for him.

The heart of evangelism leads to the hand of evangelism. If we model out the importance of reaching the lost, our child will catch it. Some things are caught, rather than taught. #fathering101

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