Thursday 2 August 2018

New Earth, Heaven, Hell, Rapture & Stuff

J asked about the new earth, since he has been learning about Stars and planets.

It was a good opportunity to talk to him on the importance of sharing Christ with his friends; the new earth, rapture, heaven, hell as well as Satan.

J: Yes. I tell my friends about Jesus. But they don’t know how to pray.

J: In the new earth, will there be lions?

Papa: Yes. But the lions will not be eating people. They will be good. There won’t be any more pain. There won’t be any crying and sadness. Everyone will be happy.

J: What happens when Jesus comes back?

Papa: We will go up with Him. But only for those who believe in Him.

J: Why?

Papa: Jesus loves everyone. This is why it is very important for us to pray for people and share with them, so that they can get to know Him. Those who don’t believe will be caught by the bad guy. His name is Satan.

Papa: They will stay on the earth while we go up.

J: What will happen to the earth?

Papa: There will be fire, earthquake and many other stuff going on. Many people may die. But it is the time for them to believe in Him.

J: Will I get to see my Jie Jie and Kor Kor?

Papa: Yes you will. You will see them up there. When the new earth is set up by Jesus, we will all be there together.

A 5-year old can receive more than we think they can. Because there is Someone called the Holy Spirit. Don’t let our human mind hinder the child’s understanding. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

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