Wednesday 15 September 2021

Making A Stand

There are some who will speak up and make a stand.

There are some who won't speak up and make any stand.

The former is active and will encounter haters. The latter is passive and live in harmony with all. But the latter has already made a stand BY his silence.

If your beloved child saw a group of bullies continually abusing his friend physically, mentally and verbally, and you tell him, "Boy ah... don't speak up, okay? Just continue to do your own thing and live your life quietly. Be under the radar. Don't get involved with this type of political situation."

Guess what would happen to his friend? Yep. Remain in the cycle of abuse. Like it or not, your beloved child has indirectly contributed to his friend's unjust situation.

Unfortunately, this also happens in the context of church. "Let's just do our own thing, alright. We don't want to get involved. We do not want to make a stand so that we can show love and embrace more people."

That's sensual-love, not God-kind of love. God-kind of love is found in Jesus. Jesus did not remain silent for the sake of harmony (Luke 12:51). He would speak up for injustice (Read: John 8; Mark 15:17). To the degree He loves, to that degree He speaks truth and hates lies and what is on the contrary.

Injustice happens in society when there are more passive Christians (especially Christian leaders) who take a passive stand by refusing to make an active stand.

Perhaps the true pandemic is within the church more than in the world.

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