Wednesday 1 September 2021

Shaking The Dust Off My Feet

For more than a decade, a certain lady had been pestering and persecuting me for a decision that my wife and I did in the past. She had been calling, messaging and tracking me down for more than a decade, since 2008.

My wife and I simply, out of good intention and compassion, reached out to her in 2008 and brought her to a church service for the disadvantaged. For she had hearing impairment at that point and she was a believer. And she didn't really have a community in her church where she felt belonged to.

Yet she accused us of tricking her, and constantly questioning our motives ever since. Regardless of how I had explained to her countless of times, she refused to listen and kept on going on. After that episode, it continued for several years.

For a period of time, it was such a distraction that I blocked her contact from my phone as her messages were very toxic and persistent. But she kept changing her numbers and using other numbers so that she could call or message me.

I felt like experiencing a tiny glimpse of what Paul said about his persecutors, sent from Satan to torment him. No matter how I tried to reason and explain, the accusations never came to an end. This lady had a much deeper root than that ----- one of resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness. She did not really understand His grace, His love, His goodness and the Gospel. The deep-seated issues found a place to vent ------ I became the target.

It was extremely toxic and demonic in nature. I mean... God still loves her because she is not demonic, but she is influenced and controlled by the enemy without realising it. Just like the Pharisees were.

Two years ago, she continued to contact me again with different numbers and I finally relented and thought that I should give her a chance. Unfortunately, she didn't stop her accusations.

During this period, she had asked for help to transcribe her lessons. I was busy but I decided to help her out of compassion. It took me several nights to transcribe word for word for a 2 hours plus' session as I had to keep rewinding to hear what her lecturer was saying (as her English isn't so good).

If you delay in replying her, she would accuse you of breaking your promise, etc, etc. She would track my posts on social media and continually bombarded me with messages. 

The toxic messages are distractions from the enemy. Today, I have just rebuked her as I decided to shake the dust off my feet concerning her. The accusations and lies do not end. The disciples shook the dust off their feet when they couldn't find a person of peace in the place where they preached. Since she couldn't receive whatever I said in truth, I realised that I cannot help her. Neither do I want to be distracted in the Kingdom.

This is the first person in my life that I decided to cut off my connection with, because of an unrepentant spirit that continually seeks after strife. I pray that God will work in her, and that she would come to the place of repentance and experience the love and the power of the Gospel.

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