Thursday 25 April 2024

Do What We Preach

My son passed me a sweet dessert to have a bite.

I said, "No. I don't like sweet stuff. You can enjoy it."

He replied, "Everything must try. That's what you always say to me."

Since I have said that, I had to swallow back my words and take a bite.

Fathering requires you to do what you preach. It forces NATO out of your life because you have a mini mirror (aka your child) reminding you what you have said.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Humility & Honour

There is more to write about certain pastors today (happens to be another's birthday), whom I had personal encounters with. Yeah most people only see the elevated part.

I got to see how insecure they are, while they fiercely preach on identity and minister like superstars.

Not pointing fingers. That's why we are not naming anyone.

It continues to show that we are all on the same level playing field, regardless of your ministry achievements, public affirmation and spiritual title/position.

All are but sons and daughters. All are growing unto His likeness. All have NO superiority over one another because Christ is the only Supreme Authority and the only Superstar.

Therefore, we shall walk in humility and honour towards one another, especially the least and the unknown, who can bring no value to us.

There is no double honour needed for elders and pastors (1 Tim 5:17) except for those who 'rule well'. In Greek, it means 'to have character which provides the needed model to direct others and the excellence by living in faith.'

Have been reading the book of Timothy, so pardon me for these posts.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

True Humility

Years ago before the School of Power and Love SG conference, I went up to a Senior Pastor, trying to thank him for assisting us to publicise the event. He gave the "don't come and disturb me" expression and wanted to quickly brush me aside.

During the conference, he came up to me one day and gave a sarcastic remark, saying, "Pastor, I need to go off earlier. Sorry I can't attend the full day." Well, he knew that I'm not a pastor. I'm just a volunteer hosting School of Power and Love SG.

In School of Power and Love SG, we intentionally refused to elevate any pastor but gave everyone the same treatment ---- it is the main message of identity and sonship. But I guess some including him got offended.

Yeah others might see him as a humble pastor but I saw more things and much deeper about leadership (and some pastors) in this conference.

Humility is not based on how you "humble" yourself by treating others of similar position. True humility is revealed by how you treat the least and the unknown.

Btw today happens to be his birthday. Jesus still loves him. Amen.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

The Word Delivers

The Word Delivers

For a period of time, my son was afraid of Halloween and the picture of skeletons. He's generally more sensitive (and imaginative) to stuff since he was born. I believe he's a seer.

I gave him a lot of the Word to memorise, confess and believe. But it didn't help him to break free from this fear. It did, however, build a foundation in which the voice of God can come through.

One day, I took him aside and asked him to confront this issue with God together. We prayed and waited for the Holy Spirit to speak to him.

He saw a sword that grew bigger and it slayed a skeleton to pieces. And the verse that appeared in the sword is 'I will be with you wherever you go, Joshua 1:9."

Love (Joshua 1:9) produces faith that extinguishes the fiery darts that come against you.

From that day onwards, he broke free from the fear of skeletons.

The Word delivers when the Word becomes real to you. Hearing from God without the Word can result in unstable faith, tossed around by every circumstance. 

But hearing from God with the Word builds an unwavering faith that is stable in every situation.

I have seen too many strong prophetic people who are weak in the Word. I don't think it has to be the way.

My desire is to build a strong foundation of the Word in my son's life so that he can move in the power of the Spirit that is based on truths.