Wednesday 17 April 2024

Humility & Honour

There is more to write about certain pastors today (happens to be another's birthday), whom I had personal encounters with. Yeah most people only see the elevated part.

I got to see how insecure they are, while they fiercely preach on identity and minister like superstars.

Not pointing fingers. That's why we are not naming anyone.

It continues to show that we are all on the same level playing field, regardless of your ministry achievements, public affirmation and spiritual title/position.

All are but sons and daughters. All are growing unto His likeness. All have NO superiority over one another because Christ is the only Supreme Authority and the only Superstar.

Therefore, we shall walk in humility and honour towards one another, especially the least and the unknown, who can bring no value to us.

There is no double honour needed for elders and pastors (1 Tim 5:17) except for those who 'rule well'. In Greek, it means 'to have character which provides the needed model to direct others and the excellence by living in faith.'

Have been reading the book of Timothy, so pardon me for these posts.

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