Tuesday 16 April 2024

True Humility

Years ago before the School of Power and Love SG conference, I went up to a Senior Pastor, trying to thank him for assisting us to publicise the event. He gave the "don't come and disturb me" expression and wanted to quickly brush me aside.

During the conference, he came up to me one day and gave a sarcastic remark, saying, "Pastor, I need to go off earlier. Sorry I can't attend the full day." Well, he knew that I'm not a pastor. I'm just a volunteer hosting School of Power and Love SG.

In School of Power and Love SG, we intentionally refused to elevate any pastor but gave everyone the same treatment ---- it is the main message of identity and sonship. But I guess some including him got offended.

Yeah others might see him as a humble pastor but I saw more things and much deeper about leadership (and some pastors) in this conference.

Humility is not based on how you "humble" yourself by treating others of similar position. True humility is revealed by how you treat the least and the unknown.

Btw today happens to be his birthday. Jesus still loves him. Amen.

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