Wednesday 10 April 2024

The Word Delivers

The Word Delivers

For a period of time, my son was afraid of Halloween and the picture of skeletons. He's generally more sensitive (and imaginative) to stuff since he was born. I believe he's a seer.

I gave him a lot of the Word to memorise, confess and believe. But it didn't help him to break free from this fear. It did, however, build a foundation in which the voice of God can come through.

One day, I took him aside and asked him to confront this issue with God together. We prayed and waited for the Holy Spirit to speak to him.

He saw a sword that grew bigger and it slayed a skeleton to pieces. And the verse that appeared in the sword is 'I will be with you wherever you go, Joshua 1:9."

Love (Joshua 1:9) produces faith that extinguishes the fiery darts that come against you.

From that day onwards, he broke free from the fear of skeletons.

The Word delivers when the Word becomes real to you. Hearing from God without the Word can result in unstable faith, tossed around by every circumstance. 

But hearing from God with the Word builds an unwavering faith that is stable in every situation.

I have seen too many strong prophetic people who are weak in the Word. I don't think it has to be the way.

My desire is to build a strong foundation of the Word in my son's life so that he can move in the power of the Spirit that is based on truths.

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