Wednesday 10 May 2017

Freely Received, Freely Give

Today, my wife bought J a sling pouch. It's for him to keep his ez-link card, as well as some coins and notes.

We gave him some money so that we can teach him how to steward money. At the same time, he will pick up calculation and learn to be wise in his spending.

He was overjoyed and exhilarated with his pouch. From afternoon to evening, he kept telling us, "Mama, Papa, I want to pay for you. Later you buy things and I will pay."

My wife replied, "You are so eager to pay. Do you have a lot of money?"

It suddenly dawned on me that it is effortless and natural to give away what you have freely received. Freely you have received, freely you will give.

J couldn't wait to give because he had received money freely from both of us.

Often, we find it hard to give away what we have because of wrong perspective. We deem that we are the ones who work hard for the money. If we spend much time, energy and effort to work for it, we will naturally be reluctant to give generously.

But if we can recognise that it is our Father in heaven who gave us the power and ability to work and get money, if we can recognise Him as the Source of money, it will be much easier for us to give away.

How generous we are depends on how we perceive what we have received from Him.


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