Monday 8 May 2017

Hearing God's Voice Starts Early

At Punggol bus interchange...

J: Papa, can you look at the timings on the screen? See which bus comes first.

Papa: There's no need to check. We can just ask Jesus. Bus 85 is coming first.

J: No. Papa, you need to look at the screen.

Papa: It's okay. Jesus knows all things. He knows which bus will come first. He just told me bus 85 will come first.

Bus 85 indeed came first.

J: Papa, 85 comes first!

Papa: See... Jesus knows which bus would come first. How did Papa know?

J: Because Jesus told you.

Papa: Yes. So next time you can just ask Jesus, okay?

J: Yes.

Hearing God's voice has to start early. #fathering101

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