Friday 6 November 2015

Discipleship In The Most Natural Sense

Every morning, when I am in the secret place with Jesus, I do not like to be interrupted. However, I have to fight against time, as my son will somehow wake up and "interrupt" my precious moment with Jesus. It has happened many times. At times, he will wake up late in the morning after I come out of the secret place. 

Today, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, "This is discipleship." I wondered, "What do You mean?" He said, "When you let your son interrupt and watch what you are doing every morning, you are discipling him in the most natural sense." I got it. He will see what I do as a lifestyle and pick up the same lifestyle in time to come.

Today, I told him, "Papa is worshiping Jesus." He said, "Yes." After drinking his milk, he quietly lay on his small mattress, enjoying the atmosphere of worship. This is awesome!

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