Thursday 26 November 2015

Showing Love - The Way of Parenting

Today, I raised my voice at J. As I shared before, it's not part of disciplining him. It's due to my own impatience. Once again, I apologised to him.

As I was soaking in the Father's love reflecting on why I did what I did, He began to speak to me beautifully. 

A child can be abused and hurt so badly (as we have often heard in abusive families), yet he will continue to love the one who abuses him. He does not hold any grudge. But it does not mean that the wound in his heart is healed. He simply can't manage the hurt at a young age. All he knows is to overlook whatever has happened and continue to love. When he grows up, the hurt he experienced as a little child will begin to manifest, both into his teenage and adult life. By then, much restoration and healing would need to take place.

An adult, on the other hand, bears grudges when he is hurt. It takes much struggle for him to manage the hurt. If an adult finds it difficult to deal with his own hurt, what more a child who couldn't manage his hurt at such a young age? 

A child's heart is very tender. Let's not think that a child will simply forget because he is too young to understand what has happened. We have to be conscious and deliberate in the way we parent him. Every child is a gift to be treasured. He is meant to be loved so that he grows up loving people. Only loved people love people. And hurt people hurt people. It all begin in the family unit. 

The school teachers cannot provide that love.
The Sunday School teachers and pastors cannot provide that love.
The presents we buy cannot provide that love.
The wealth we have cannot provide that love.
The comfortable lifestyle we have achieved cannot provide that love.
Don't say that we work hard to provide for our family. That is NOT love.

Only our PRESENCE can provide the love that our child needs.

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