Saturday 27 February 2016

Hilarious Episode 2

Another interesting episode:

J: Papa, I want to buy Bob the builder red truck.

Papa: Alright. You pray to Jesus. He always hears your prayer.

J: In Jesus' name, I want Bob the builder red truck. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Papa: Jesus will buy for you.

J: Papa, I don't want red truck now.

Papa: Huh? You just prayed to Jesus.

J: I want the yellow truck. I want Papa and Mama to buy the yellow one for J.

Papa: Why???

J: Becos Jesus will buy the red one.

Oh my God...

Hilarious Episode

This was what happened yesterday...

Part 1

J: Papa, I want to use the bath tub. (Referring to the portable baby bathtub)

Papa: That is for baby. Are you a baby now?

J: Yes. I'm a baby for now. (And he made baby sound)

Papa: -_-"

Part 2

J: Where is Jesus?

Papa: He is in you.

J: Wah! Jesus flies into my stomach.

Papa: -_-"

Part 3

He sat beside a 3-year old girl. While he was talking continually on the bus, he looked at the girl.

J: Papa, why is Mei Mei not talking?

Papa: -_-"

#thingshesay #hilarious

Friday 19 February 2016

Customised Parenting

For the past few days, I was troubled by the fact that I couldn't manage Jeshua's disobedience and tantrum. For usual parenting, the rod will do the job. However, I am convinced that just as God the Father doesn't discipline us using physical pain, I am not supposed to misrepresent Him to my son when it comes to fathering.

Jeshua would cry loudly and disobey when he didn't get what he wanted. It is our responsibility as parents to say "No" at times, for the child's sake. If we only say "Yes" to all his wants, it will harm him in the long run. True love includes healthy boundaries.

Last morning, I was pondering over his behaviour and asking God how I should father him in this area.

God said, "Jeshua's love language is touch. When he is disobedient or throws tantrum, hug him and tell him that you love him. When he cools down, reason with him."

That was a powerful revelation! I recalled the incidents (very few) where I hugged him and loved him. He would respond and listen to what I said afterwards.

God knows our child more than us. He is Jeshua's Father.

Thank You Father!

Monday 15 February 2016

Teaching Jesus Intentionally

Jeshua was happily looking at the fishes at the basement of Fullerton hotel. There were many orange fishes and a few white fishes. A thought came to my mind: I should use every opportunity to teach him about Jesus.

I said, "Jeshua, let's pray for the white fish to come in your direction. When you pray, it will come."

He closed his eyes and said, "In Jesus' name, white fish, come. Amen."

Immediately, the white fish swam towards his direction. He was elated. I exclaimed, "Oh Jeshua prayed for that! Jesus heard your prayer!" He replied excitedly, "Yah!"

He then said, "Let's pray again!" He prayed for many times. Each time when he prayed, the white fish would move towards his direction.

It's a beautiful moment of how the Father answered Jeshua's prayer. At the same time, I desire that Jeshua builds confidence in the Father who hears his prayers.

Thursday 11 February 2016

F&S Day

We had another Father & Son's Day yesterday. I have told my wife that I will have F&S Day with Jeshua twice in a month. Though each outing costs more than my daily budget, which doesn't seem wise as I just started out in my part-time work in real estate, I know that God will provide abundantly. That's my main purpose of coming out of church ministry in this season to father Jeshua and build his foundations.

My wife texted me in the morning before our F&S outing, "Today's weather forecast isn't good. But you can pray that there won't be any rain. I have placed an umbrella and two rain coats in the bag - one for Jeshua and one for you."

Before Jeshua and I went out, we prayed together. From 10plus am to 4plus pm, there was NO rain despite the weather forecast! It was simply cloudy and windy, which made the weather perfect without the heat of the sun. When we reached home, it started to rain. Praise God! He is such a good Father! He held the rain back so that Jeshua and I could enjoy F&S Day!

 Sitting on the Duck Tour!

Duck vehicle enters Singapore River

Next: Hippo bus

Sitting on the Hippo bus

This morning, I asked Jeshua, "Do you like to go out with Papa?

He responded, "I am happy to go out with Papa. I am happy I can go out with Papa."

This speaks for itself. It is worth everything I laid down for in this season.

P.S: I applied for Hippo+Duck Tour club membership for children between 3 and 12 years old. It costs $33 per year with unlimited Hippo and Duck rides. The child can bring along four guests at an extremely discounted rate, i.e. I paid $5 for Hippo bus ride instead of $37 for adult fare. This is so worth it! Thank God for such providence!

Wednesday 10 February 2016


Some time ago, God spoke to me about affirmation towards Jeshua.

He said, "Do not simply affirm what Jeshua does well. Affirm him when he has tried his best. Affirm him even when he is simply doing nothing to deserve affirmation."

I got it.

If I focus on affirming him ONLY when he does well, it will be damaging in the long run. It will ruin his self-esteem and identity in Christ. He will strive to perform well in order to earn affirmation.

God the Father affirms us even when we do NOTHING. He is pleased with us for WHO we are. In the same way, we should affirm our children for WHO they are, instead of simply affirming them on what they do well.

There is power in proper affirmation. It gives a child a strong foundation of self-esteem and right identity in Christ.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Train Him To Be Resilient

Today, God spoke to me, "Train Jeshua up to be adventurous and take up challenges. That will build his resilience."

Thursday 4 February 2016

Father & Son's Day

We had our F & S day today at Longkang Fishing.

Jeshua enjoyed it very much as we tried our best to catch as many fishes as possible. It was too difficult for him to catch any. Hence, I did the fishing instead. As much as he desired all the various colours of the fishes, I didn't manage to catch the white ones. They were simply too swift for me.

After the longkang session, I asked him, "Do you want to bring the fishes home or let them go?" He chose the former. I answered, "If you bring them home, they will die very quickly. But if you let them go, they will live." He insisted on the former.

We brought them home and they died within a day. I guess this is a good learning moment for him.

Lunch at Bugis Plus. We had Churro too and he loves it!