Monday 15 February 2016

Teaching Jesus Intentionally

Jeshua was happily looking at the fishes at the basement of Fullerton hotel. There were many orange fishes and a few white fishes. A thought came to my mind: I should use every opportunity to teach him about Jesus.

I said, "Jeshua, let's pray for the white fish to come in your direction. When you pray, it will come."

He closed his eyes and said, "In Jesus' name, white fish, come. Amen."

Immediately, the white fish swam towards his direction. He was elated. I exclaimed, "Oh Jeshua prayed for that! Jesus heard your prayer!" He replied excitedly, "Yah!"

He then said, "Let's pray again!" He prayed for many times. Each time when he prayed, the white fish would move towards his direction.

It's a beautiful moment of how the Father answered Jeshua's prayer. At the same time, I desire that Jeshua builds confidence in the Father who hears his prayers.

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