Wednesday 10 February 2016


Some time ago, God spoke to me about affirmation towards Jeshua.

He said, "Do not simply affirm what Jeshua does well. Affirm him when he has tried his best. Affirm him even when he is simply doing nothing to deserve affirmation."

I got it.

If I focus on affirming him ONLY when he does well, it will be damaging in the long run. It will ruin his self-esteem and identity in Christ. He will strive to perform well in order to earn affirmation.

God the Father affirms us even when we do NOTHING. He is pleased with us for WHO we are. In the same way, we should affirm our children for WHO they are, instead of simply affirming them on what they do well.

There is power in proper affirmation. It gives a child a strong foundation of self-esteem and right identity in Christ.

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