Friday 19 February 2016

Customised Parenting

For the past few days, I was troubled by the fact that I couldn't manage Jeshua's disobedience and tantrum. For usual parenting, the rod will do the job. However, I am convinced that just as God the Father doesn't discipline us using physical pain, I am not supposed to misrepresent Him to my son when it comes to fathering.

Jeshua would cry loudly and disobey when he didn't get what he wanted. It is our responsibility as parents to say "No" at times, for the child's sake. If we only say "Yes" to all his wants, it will harm him in the long run. True love includes healthy boundaries.

Last morning, I was pondering over his behaviour and asking God how I should father him in this area.

God said, "Jeshua's love language is touch. When he is disobedient or throws tantrum, hug him and tell him that you love him. When he cools down, reason with him."

That was a powerful revelation! I recalled the incidents (very few) where I hugged him and loved him. He would respond and listen to what I said afterwards.

God knows our child more than us. He is Jeshua's Father.

Thank You Father!

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