Saturday 30 August 2014

Waiting On Him

Today, while my wife went to the toilet at Tampines One shopping mall, I was playing peek-a-boo with my son. He was sitting in his stroller but he pulled down the top flap to cover himself so that I couldn't see him. As he knew that I was playing peek-a-boo with him, he waited patiently for me to appear suddenly in front of him.

Waiting involves trusting. My son trusts that his Papa will play with him. This is what caused him to wait expectantly.

Very often, we fail to wait upon the Lord. The fact that we don't wait expectantly and patiently shows that we trust Him little. If we really trust Him, we will wait for Him to speak and/or respond to us.

God always speaks and responds to us. Thus, we can trust and wait for Him. 

Thursday 21 August 2014

God's Gift for Jeshua

When Jeshua was few months old, my wife and I noticed that he was particularly attracted to someone. He would want to be carried by the person whenever he saw her - even if it means to "neglect" his father and mother. We found it amusing at the beginning.

During church camp this year, Jeshua was attracted to another person whom he had never met before. We just walked past the person briefly and he wanted to be carried by her! We allowed him to do so for a while, as we were at the immigration centre. But when we tried to carry him back, he refused and cried badly. My wife and I were very surprised.

It was then that I realised that this person is a single mum. That night, my wife told me that she suspected Jeshua has a gift of discernment to reach out to those who are broken-hearted; to let them experience love when love is nowhere to be found. I nodded but said that we should continue to observe before confirming.

Recently, I remember that Jeshua was attracted to another person whom he met for the first time. I just discovered that this person also experienced pain and a certain degree of brokenness. It is a confirmation of the unusual gift that God has blessed Jeshua with.

Jeshua means "salvation and deliverance." I believe he is not just a joy releaser, but also one who reaches others with the love of Christ in order to bring healing and wholeness.

I'm very grateful and touched by God. Jeshua is now 19 months old. Help me to steward Jeshua's gift properly and train him to grow to his maximum potential.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Quick Response Is Important

Recently, when Jeshua was busy with his toys and stuff, he didn't respond to my voice; at least not until I called him by name for more than six times.

I'm not very happy with that.

I have decided to discipline him in this area when he grows slightly older (to understand my reason), if he doesn't respond to my call promptly. 

This is crucial. If he doesn't respond to his father promptly, he won't respond to God promptly when He calls him.

Delayed obedience is not obedience.

Monday 18 August 2014


After bathing for Jeshua today, while I was dressing him up, I whistled a few times.

It caught me by surprise when he tried to imitate me. Of course, he didn't know how to whistle. But he made such a similar sound ("wooo...wooo...") that I couldn't help but burst out laughing!

It makes me think that God the Father must be extremely delighted when we try to do what He is doing. We may not get it right at our first few attempts, but God doesn't look at our performance. He looks at our heart. As long as we desire to do what He is doing, He is overjoyed!

Friday 8 August 2014

When He Waits

Last night, I went to the hospital (NUH) for visitation.

My wife called and told me that Jeshua was looking for me. Apparently, after I sent them to Sengkang MRT and waved goodbye to Jeshua, he came out of Punggol MRT one station later, saying, "Papa" with his hand signaling that Papa is not around.

When he was at home, he was continually looking for me and calling "Papa". My wife recorded the audio and sent me. It was the sweetest voice I ever heard.

I came home from the hospital with Clement and Daniel to play with him. After they left, he was waiting for me (to take my shower) patiently on the bed and refused to sleep even though he was tired. The time was 11plus pm.

I set aside other things to lay beside him on the bed. It was then that he went to sleep.

The whole experience simply amazed me and it warmed my heart deeply.

I cannot imagine how God the Father feels when we choose to wait for Him. I believe that He is waiting for us to wait on Him. By simply turning our thoughts and affection towards Him cause Him to be overjoyed!

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Past Experiences

I recalled a few times when I disciplined Jeshua and had to apologise to him afterward. Being a father has made me realise the importance of apologising to my toddler whenever I make a mistake. I am not perfect.

I tend to discipline Jeshua based on my past experiences with him. If I deem that he is simply throwing tantrum, I would first ask him to quieten down; if he doesn't do so, I will spank him.

I remember there was once when he kept crying loudly after his shower and he refused to let me dress him up. As I thought that he was throwing tantrum, I spanked his thigh, causing him to cry even louder. Little did I realise that he was actually in agony, because he had difficulty defecating. The hardened stool brought much pain to his anus. Of course, I apologised to him the moment I discovered the problem.

This reminds me the importance of not relying on past experiences but rather, be sensitive to the needs of Jeshua.

God the Father doesn't deal with us according to His past experiences with us. He knows us from the inside out. He understands all our ways and He is able to meet all our needs. There is so much to learn about His ability to be sensitive to what we are going through.

Help me, Father. I want to be discerning about the needs of Jeshua as I father him.

Saturday 2 August 2014

First Adventure With Son

Yesterday was the first time Jeshua watched me lay hands on the sick out there in the streets. I'm very amazed by his ability to stand beside me while I prayed for the uncle's legs, hips, back and shoulders.

Jeshua was the one who wanted me to bring him downstairs for a walk. As we were taking a stroll, an old man requested that I call Singapore Consumer Service on his behalf as he forgot to bring his phone. After calling and helping him to write down the address of the place, we had a short conversation as he was sharing with me about his ability to recover from sickness and burns through his own prescription of home medication.

As we were talking, I asked the Holy Spirit if there is anything I could pray for this uncle and He gave me a word of knowledge for his back. Found out that he was born with uneven hips and legs, which caused his back to be in frequent pain which comes on and off.

Got him to sit down and measured his legs. But to my surprise, his legs were fully aligned. The problem was with his hips. Prayed for him, while Jeshua stood beside me watching patiently (this is rather incredible because Jeshua would normally be moving around).

Didn't see visible movement on his hips. But after praying for his hips, back and shoulders, he told me that he felt very relaxed and comfortable. Thank Jesus.

Actually, I'm more excited about the fact that Jeshua was with me as I ministered to that uncle. I can imagine God the Father being exhilarated whenever we minister by looking at what He is doing.

John 5:19 - Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing...

Just as God the Father is delighted when we look at what He is doing, I am delighted when my son looks at what I am doing.

Friday 1 August 2014

Crying Out

These few days, Jeshua has been crying out for tidbits but I chose not to give him today.

He screamed and cried really loud. He even threw tantrum on the floor. But I firmly said, "No!" despite the fact that he cried even louder.

As a father, I know what is better for him. He needs to have proper meal rather than eating tidbits so frequently. So I kept saying, "No. Papa loves you. Too much tidbits are not good for your health."

As a toddler, he thinks that by crying louder and throwing more tantrum, he can get his way. Little did he know that his Papa will stand firm in his decision.

This reminds me of how often we Christians think that we can get God to answer our prayers by praying more, fasting more, doing more, etc. But as long as it's not in the will of God the Father, He will simply say, "No" regardless of our holy self-effort. We don't manipulate God to do our will. We don't bend His hands to do our will. He is God and He knows what's best for us.