Friday 1 August 2014

Crying Out

These few days, Jeshua has been crying out for tidbits but I chose not to give him today.

He screamed and cried really loud. He even threw tantrum on the floor. But I firmly said, "No!" despite the fact that he cried even louder.

As a father, I know what is better for him. He needs to have proper meal rather than eating tidbits so frequently. So I kept saying, "No. Papa loves you. Too much tidbits are not good for your health."

As a toddler, he thinks that by crying louder and throwing more tantrum, he can get his way. Little did he know that his Papa will stand firm in his decision.

This reminds me of how often we Christians think that we can get God to answer our prayers by praying more, fasting more, doing more, etc. But as long as it's not in the will of God the Father, He will simply say, "No" regardless of our holy self-effort. We don't manipulate God to do our will. We don't bend His hands to do our will. He is God and He knows what's best for us.

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