Saturday 2 August 2014

First Adventure With Son

Yesterday was the first time Jeshua watched me lay hands on the sick out there in the streets. I'm very amazed by his ability to stand beside me while I prayed for the uncle's legs, hips, back and shoulders.

Jeshua was the one who wanted me to bring him downstairs for a walk. As we were taking a stroll, an old man requested that I call Singapore Consumer Service on his behalf as he forgot to bring his phone. After calling and helping him to write down the address of the place, we had a short conversation as he was sharing with me about his ability to recover from sickness and burns through his own prescription of home medication.

As we were talking, I asked the Holy Spirit if there is anything I could pray for this uncle and He gave me a word of knowledge for his back. Found out that he was born with uneven hips and legs, which caused his back to be in frequent pain which comes on and off.

Got him to sit down and measured his legs. But to my surprise, his legs were fully aligned. The problem was with his hips. Prayed for him, while Jeshua stood beside me watching patiently (this is rather incredible because Jeshua would normally be moving around).

Didn't see visible movement on his hips. But after praying for his hips, back and shoulders, he told me that he felt very relaxed and comfortable. Thank Jesus.

Actually, I'm more excited about the fact that Jeshua was with me as I ministered to that uncle. I can imagine God the Father being exhilarated whenever we minister by looking at what He is doing.

John 5:19 - Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing...

Just as God the Father is delighted when we look at what He is doing, I am delighted when my son looks at what I am doing.

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