Wednesday 6 August 2014

Past Experiences

I recalled a few times when I disciplined Jeshua and had to apologise to him afterward. Being a father has made me realise the importance of apologising to my toddler whenever I make a mistake. I am not perfect.

I tend to discipline Jeshua based on my past experiences with him. If I deem that he is simply throwing tantrum, I would first ask him to quieten down; if he doesn't do so, I will spank him.

I remember there was once when he kept crying loudly after his shower and he refused to let me dress him up. As I thought that he was throwing tantrum, I spanked his thigh, causing him to cry even louder. Little did I realise that he was actually in agony, because he had difficulty defecating. The hardened stool brought much pain to his anus. Of course, I apologised to him the moment I discovered the problem.

This reminds me the importance of not relying on past experiences but rather, be sensitive to the needs of Jeshua.

God the Father doesn't deal with us according to His past experiences with us. He knows us from the inside out. He understands all our ways and He is able to meet all our needs. There is so much to learn about His ability to be sensitive to what we are going through.

Help me, Father. I want to be discerning about the needs of Jeshua as I father him.

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