Thursday 21 August 2014

God's Gift for Jeshua

When Jeshua was few months old, my wife and I noticed that he was particularly attracted to someone. He would want to be carried by the person whenever he saw her - even if it means to "neglect" his father and mother. We found it amusing at the beginning.

During church camp this year, Jeshua was attracted to another person whom he had never met before. We just walked past the person briefly and he wanted to be carried by her! We allowed him to do so for a while, as we were at the immigration centre. But when we tried to carry him back, he refused and cried badly. My wife and I were very surprised.

It was then that I realised that this person is a single mum. That night, my wife told me that she suspected Jeshua has a gift of discernment to reach out to those who are broken-hearted; to let them experience love when love is nowhere to be found. I nodded but said that we should continue to observe before confirming.

Recently, I remember that Jeshua was attracted to another person whom he met for the first time. I just discovered that this person also experienced pain and a certain degree of brokenness. It is a confirmation of the unusual gift that God has blessed Jeshua with.

Jeshua means "salvation and deliverance." I believe he is not just a joy releaser, but also one who reaches others with the love of Christ in order to bring healing and wholeness.

I'm very grateful and touched by God. Jeshua is now 19 months old. Help me to steward Jeshua's gift properly and train him to grow to his maximum potential.

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