Tuesday 22 July 2014


I didn't grow up from a rich family. Growing up, there were many things I knew I couldn't buy because my father didn't earn a lot. Our family couldn't afford them. I didn't blame him, because he worked very hard to sustain a family of six. Furthermore, he taught and showed me what diligence and hardwork is all about.

Having said this, the way I was being brought up affected my view of God the Father. I always thought that God would give me what I need but He would not grant me what I want. I saw God through the lens of my earthly father. If what I asked for is too expensive or extravagant, I knew deep down in my heart that God wouldn't answer my prayer.

Now that I'm a father, it is important that I communicate properly to my son so that he doesn't get a wrong view of who God the Father is. God owns everything in heaven and on earth. He is our Chief Provider who is ABLE and is willing to lavish on us extravagantly.

Having said that, it doesn't mean that I have to capacity to buy what Jeshua would like to have. As such, it's vital for me not to say, "Papa can't afford it" or "Papa doesn't have enough money."

Instead, I should use phrases like "We are not getting it today" or "we are not buying now."

This will help him understand that even though God the Father wants to bless him (God is able, but his earthly father may not be able), it may not always be immediate. Delayed answer actually brings faith with character.

The key is for Jeshua to know the nature and character of God and know Him as who He is.

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