Thursday 17 July 2014


I went down to buy lunch and some groceries earlier, with Jeshua in the baby carrier.

Jeshua wanted to hold the box of cereal that I bought. As I was afraid that he didn't have enough strength, I secretly held the bottom part of the box so that it wouldn't drop. At the same time, it would be less straining for his little hand. I was literally the one who was doing the work.

The matter of the fact is this... I didn't need him to carry the box for me. But I allowed him to, so that he would be filled with joy.

God the Father doesn't need us to do anything for Him. He can easily do it by the word of His mouth. But He allows us to participate in His purpose and plan. He allows us to co-partner with Him to reign and release heaven's reality on this earth. What a privilege and joy!

By our own ability, there is nothing much we can do. The Father is the one doing the main work as we lay hold of the task which he allows us to participate.

We can simply rest and trust in His ability and power as we do His work.

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