Tuesday 8 July 2014

Scars of Pain

My son woke up this morning with two red scratches on his forehead. I felt worried when I first saw them. As a father, you will always feel a tad of pain when your son is physically unwell or hurt.

I wonder how God the Father felt when Jesus endured the lashes and the Cross. Every lash must be extremely tormenting for the Father. Yet for our sake, He had to see Jesus going through it so that He doesn't have to see us go through again.

1 Peter 2:24 - He Himself took our sins in His body on the Tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds, we have been healed.

Matthew 8:17 - He took all our infirmities and diseases. By His stripes, we are healed.

Jesus received what we deserved so that we can receive what He deserved. It pained the Father to see all the sicknesses fallen upon His Son on the Cross.

Because of the completion of Jesus' works on the Cross, the Father never again wants to see sicknesses upon us.

I cannot imagine anyone thinking that the Father still allows or uses sicknesses to grow us in patience and character.

I won't do it to my lovely boy. What more about God who is perfect Love!

If it pains my heart to see Jeshua unwell or hurt, the pain is intensified for God the Father.

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