Monday 30 June 2014

Let Baby Cry?

Many people came to offer good advices when Jeshua was born. They had good intentions which my wife and I really appreciated. However, not every child is the same. Thus, not every principle can be applied to every child.

Jeshua had been a light sleeper since he was born. He still is. He had difficulty sleeping on his own, especially during the first one year. He would cry non-stop unless he was carried on the arms. Only then would he fall asleep soundly.

People with children kept giving us this advice, "Don't keep carrying the baby just because he cries. You will spoil him."

Can a baby be spoilt by love?

One traditional school of thought is to let the baby cry until he learns that he has to sleep on the bed/cot by himself without being carried.

Another school of thought is to carry him whenever he cries.

I supposed both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Facing a dilemma, I asked God what we should be doing and He asked me back, "How do you feel if you are crying out to Me but I don't respond to you and meet your needs?"

"I would feel that You don't love me. I would feel rejected and forsaken."

God the Father used this to illustrate how Jeshua would feel if we let him cry throughout the night.

It was then that I learnt that while parenting principles are good; while experiences from other parents are helpful, what my wife and I need to depend on is really parenting from His presence. It is in His presence that He speaks and shows us how to parent Jeshua, because every child is unique.

I don't always know what to do exactly when it comes to parenting Jeshua. But the wisdom of the Lord is always available for me to tap into as I get into His presence.

Just as the Father lavishes His love upon us, we need to lavish our love upon our child. Too much love won't spoilt a person. It will only transform him. That's what grace is about.

I don't always hear God correctly but I pray that I can hear Him more and more accurately when it comes to parenting Jeshua.

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