Thursday 26 June 2014

Faith That Explores

It is such a joy to witness the growth of my baby boy, from the time he came out of his mummy's womb to the time he started flipping to his side, crawling on the floor and now walking/running around.

As I observed his growth, I noticed that he was most excited when he started to walk. It was also a period when he failed the most as he kept falling.

Each time after he fell, he would get up immediately to try walking again. To him, it was a newly discovered ability. He was totally elated each time he walked.

As I reflected on this, it struck a chord in me. This is what faith is. Faith is about active exploration. My son explored his new found ability. The moment he walked for the first time in his life, he knew that he could never be satisfied with simply crawling around.

He would not give failure (when he kept falling) an excuse to stop him from practising what he had explored.

This is a reminder for me in two areas.

1) Keep exploring new grounds

There are new grounds in the kingdom which I have yet to venture into. I am not satisfied with my current experiences. There is always MORE! I'm excited for MORE!

2) Practice makes permanent

When God gives us a gift, we need to keep practising/using it until it becomes permanent. Sometimes, we may meet failures. But failure is not an excuse to stop going after what is possible.

My son's motivation and excitement to get up and walk again after falling shows me that his focus is always on what is possible (and what has successfully happened) rather than what is happening now.

I'm motivated and excited to keep healing the sick even when some don't get well. My focus has to be on what is possible (nothing is impossible for God) and what has successfully happened - testimonies of healing and miracles.

There are so much things I could learn from my son. Thank You Jesus.

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