Saturday 21 June 2014

Redefining "Good"

Fathering has taught me so many things about the heart of God our Father. It is with this passion and desire to know Him more that I have decided to start this blog and journal what I have learnt about Him through fathering, as well as how I can father my son with the heart of God.

One of the key things is to re-define the common word we often use - "good". I notice that many people, including me (in the early stage of fathering) love to say to our children - "You are such a good boy because you did this..."

Well, if God the Father defines "good" based on what Christ has done and not based on what we have or have not done, then we should be consistent in teaching our children what "good" really means.

I have realised that I need to increase my vocabulary to praise my son when he behaves well. He is always good whether he behaves well or not. He is good because God sees him as good.

Today, my son returned the toys to their original storage in the cry room at Living Hope Methodist Church. I said this to him - "Jeshua, you are such a responsible boy."

Let's continue to increase our vocabulary when praising our children instead of simply saying, "You are so good today."

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