Sunday 22 June 2014

Delighting In My Son

I still remember the moment when Jeshua was born on 5 Jan 2013. To say that I was overjoyed is simply an understatement.

I was so delighted in him that I kept looking at him. My mind was occupied with him. Even while trying to catch a wink, I would see his face the moment I closed my eyes.

He was just born at that time. He hadn't done anything that I should be proud of. He couldn't even do a single thing for me. But I simply delighted in him greatly.

This is what the Father felt what He declared in Matthew 3:17 - "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Jesus had not started His ministry, but God the Father delighted in Him for who Jesus is, not for what Jesus has or has not done.

It's easy to delight in our child when he is a baby or toddler. But as our child grows up, we tend to fall into the performance trap. We show our delight in our child only when he performs well in academic, sports, behaviour, etc. This is going to destroy his true identity in the long run.

May I always be delighted over him, simply because he is my son.

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