Monday 23 June 2014

Silent But Active Protection

Recently, my wife, Jeshua and I were walking around the toy section at a shopping mall. Jeshua wanted to come down and walked by his own.

He was literally walking around, doing his own shopping as he excitedly saw the toys. As his focus was simply on the fun and exhilaration, he almost knocked onto a few sharp/dangerous objects.

As a father, I kept walking behind him, ensuring his safety and preventing him from knocking onto the dangerous objects. At times, I even lifted the objects so that his head didn't hit against them as he walked. 

What I did was simply to shield him from danger; and he didn't even know and realise what I was doing for him.

I came to realise that God our Father has been protecting us and shielding us from many dangers that we do not know. When things seem to be smooth sailing in our lives, or when nothing bad/significant is happening, we tend to think that God isn't active in our lives. But we almost fail to recognise that He is actively walking near us and lifting the dangerous "objects" from our lives so that we are protected.

God may seem silent, but He is always actively involved in our lives, whether we see it or not.

Thank You for protecting me daily. When nothing is happening, it is a proof that You are working for my good.

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