Thursday 26 June 2014

Does God Care About His Reputation?

We brought Jeshua for a haircut yesterday at City Square Mall. As we were queuing for his turn, my wife went to buy wet wipes and stickers.

While waiting for Carol to return from the ladies, I took out the stickers for him to play. As expected, he pasted a few of them on my face. When Carol came back, she laughed at what Jeshua did to my face. She said, "You look funny with the stickers on your face. People might laugh at you."

I replied, "For son's sake, I am not going to bother about how people might look at me."

As a father, I'm willing to risk my reputation as long as my son enjoys my presence. I think this speaks so much about our loving Father in heaven. Very often, we think that God is very concerned with His reputation. We want to make sure that His name is not tarnished by the way(s) we relate to Him.

The truth is... God is totally able to handle His own name and reputation more than we ever think or imagine. He places love as priority over His reputation. He is love (1 John 4:8).

If He is willing to go to the extreme to send us His only Son Jesus to die on the Cross to reveal His love, how much more will He not do to express His love for us?

God is not concerned with His reputation when we laugh, cry, shout, jump, or roll on the floor in response to His love. He is not concerned with His reputation when gold dust, gemstones, object-sticking phenomenon, angel's feathers, etc. appear in the midst of worship. He is not concerned with His reputation when we lay hands on the sick and people don't get healed. 

What He is really concerned with is that we simply enjoy His presence as His children. That puts a huge smile on His face.

Thank You, Father, for Your love never fails to amaze me. Reputation is not what You are concerned with. Relationship is.

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