Saturday 28 June 2014

Always Speaking

Sometimes, when I call out to Jeshua, he doesn't respond to me immediately. Most of the time when he didn't seem to hear me, he was distracted with his toys, books or other stuff. This could get me a little frustrated at times. "Jeshua, don't you realise that your father is talking to you?"

It is with this experience that I realised how God the Father has been so patient with me. He is always speaking to me but I am not always listening. Sometimes, I get distracted with my own things at hand and missed what He said. It takes deliberate attention and focus to tune in to what He says.

We have a loving Father. When Jeshua doesn't hear me, I repeat myself to make sure he hears. Similarly, God often repeats Himself to make sure that we hear Him. Nevertheless, we should not take Him for granted. Delayed obedience is not obedience.

I have to train my son to hear me and act promptly. If he doesn't obey me promptly, he will do the same to God the Father in future.

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