Monday 30 June 2014

Cheering From Above

Last night, Jeshua brought his building blocks to the master bedroom to play with me.

I helped him establish a layer of base (foundation) before letting him do whatever he wants to the building structure.

Trying to talk (in tongues) and build at the same time, my son tried to develop the structure further with the blocks that he had. It was really hilarious as he was making a lot of baby language (noise) as he passionately slotted in each piece.

After a while, the whole structure didn't seem to resemble any known structure. It didn't make sense to me.

But my immediate response was this... I cheered him, clapped my hands and praised him, "Jeshua, you are so smart! You are a builder! What a beautiful structure!" (And yes, I meant it, because I looked beyond the physical structure and looked into his heart and effort)

I am reminded that this is how God the Father views us and our works. Very often, we look at the outcome of what we do and we beat ourselves down when there seems to be little or no achievement/improvement. It may even appear to be unfruitful or bad in the eyes of others. As a result, we become driven by performance instead of driven by passion.

True success is not based on physical results. That's the worldly view. According to God's perspective, success lies in our heart and effort.

What we do with what we have and how we do with what we have is more important than the result itself.

The outcome may not be the best. We may look at our finished work and think that it's not the best. But God the Father sees the best in us. He looks into our heart and says, "I love your passion!" He sees our effort and says, "Well done! I love it that you are trying!" The phrase "well done" takes on a new meaning that emphasises on the effort rather than the result. 

Whatever the result is, the Father is cheering, clapping and praising us from above! What an affirming Dad we have in Christ!

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