Monday 30 June 2014

Recognising Presence

From the time Jeshua was born till now, he is unable to sleep through the night. He is a very light sleeper like me. Little movement and sound such as closing the bathroom's door will wake him up. It had been extremely challenging, especially for my wife when she had to breast-feed him and comfort him to sleep.

Thank God it is much better now as he grows older. But two things have not changed.

1) He is still a light sleeper.
2) If mummy is not lying down by his side for some time, he will be able to recognise her absence and he will wake up crying.

Many people will term this as "attachment", which usually happens to a breast-feed baby. Many will also encourage you to break that attachment as early as possible. Well, we have a different perspective.

Anyway, Jeshua is able to recognise the absence or presence of mummy even when he is sleeping. To me, that is simply amazing and powerful! 

baby can recognise the presence of someone close to him. 

I wonder how much I can recognise the presence of God the Father as compared to a baby's ability to recognise his mummy. I want to be able to recognise the presence of God in my daily life.

A baby doesn't have many distractions in life as compared to an adult. His focus is only one thing - "Mummy can meet all my needs now." There is absolute trust in the ability of his mummy to meet his needs. There is absolute peace when the presence of mummy is there. When mummy is not present, there is fear and uncertainty.

One thing we have to pursue is the One Person who can meet all our needs and gives us divine peace that drives out all of our fear and worries. A baby knows that and practises it. We know that but we don't fully practise it.

It's time to return to the focus of a baby. I want to be so focused at recognising the presence of God in the midst of busyness and distractions.

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