Sunday 29 June 2014

What Kind Of Imitation

Jeshua has started to imitate the actions of others.

Last night, I stood near his baby mattress (which was standing upright vertically and leaning on the wall) and I started to lean back and forth as though I was dancing.

He came down from our bed and walked to my side and he did the exact thing I was doing, except that he was giggling away.

I am reminded that Jeshua is not going to do what I say, but what I do. He is looking to me to set an example for him to follow.

John 5:19 - "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner."

When we follow what we see God the Father is doing, we will only become more and more like Him in love, power and character. When we do what He does, we will only grow unto perfection.

This has to be my purpose for my son. When he follows what he sees me doing, it should only make him become like me. If he is following me and not growing, I have to reflect on my own actions.

The only way for me to exemplify the nature and character of God to my son is to see and do what the Father is doing, because my son will see and do what I am doing.

If I don't follow my Father in heaven, Jeshua won't follow Him.

Help me, Father, to keep my attention and affection on You.

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