Thursday 17 July 2014

Learning New Things

My son has learnt various new things that I'm very proud of.

Last week, he said "No more" when the Hi-Five show ended. Wow!

When he went too near the TV to watch, I said, "Jeshua, too near." Guess what he did? He walked backwards while facing the TV until his back touched the sofa. What a smart boy!

He learnt to help with the laundry by placing his laundry basket back to the original position.

He learnt to throw his socks into his own laundry basket after he returns home.

He learnt to keep his toys after playing.

He learnt to pick up rubbish and throw them into the rubbish bin.

The list keeps on growing...

He learnt so many things in such a short span of time.

Each time when my son learns something new, I'm overjoyed. I can imagine God the Father feeling the same way (much more intensified) whenever we learn something new in the kingdom of God.

Each time we discover the truths in the Word and walk in the truths, God the Father goes, "Awesome! I'm so elated!" When we start laying hands on the sick or reach out to the lost with the Gospel, He goes, "Wow, wow, wow! That's fabulous!"

Just as I notice and desire to see the new things that Jeshua learns, God the Father, too, notices and desires to see us learning new things.

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