Thursday 17 July 2014

God is Both & More

Jeshua simply loves to play with water during his shower time. I remember telling my wife one day when I was bathing for Jeshua (and he was playing with water), "It's kind of wasting water... In other countries, they don't have much water."

My wife replied, "It's not alot lah. Just let him play."

It then dawned on me that I was behaving like some religious ones who fail to understand who God is.

In the story of the alabaster jar, the woman, known as Mary Magdalene, poured an expensive perfume over the head of Jesus. The religious leaders got extremely upset. "It is so wasteful! The perfume worths a year's wages. It can be used to feed the poor and needy." But Jesus wasn't concerned with that. He called it "extravagant worship."

Somehow, we tend to think that if one part of the world's resources is used, God will have one part of the resources lesser. If someone owns a big house, God will have one big house lesser to bless others. If we play with water, other countries in the world would have lesser water.

It's the same as saying, "If another person is poor, you can't be rich." Or if we take it to the extreme, "If another person is grieving, you can't be joyful."

Well, nothing is further from the truth. God is not either or. God is both and more.

You can be joyful even when someone is grieving.
You can be rich even when someone is poor.
You can own a big house even when someone doesn't have a roof over his head.
You can play with water even when others don't have enough water.

God is ABLE to grant you abundance AND provide for the lack in the lives of others at the same time.

Our abundance doesn't affect the lack in others. Because God has unlimited resources.

God is both and MORE!

I have decided to let Jeshua play with water and enjoy himself.

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