Saturday 19 July 2014

Serve You Right?

Jeshua was throwing tantrum today in the train on our way back home. As a result, he accidentally hit the side of his forehead against the metal pole beside the reserved seating.

Of course, he cried loudly as it was very painful. It was a consequence due to his disbedience.

Our Asian style of parenting teaches us to grab this opportunity to scold him or teach him, i.e. "Serve you right!", "You see. I told you!", "That's the result of your disobedience.", etc.

As I look to God the Father, I realise that He doesn't say or do that to us when we suffer from the consequence of our wrongdoings. When we sin or disobey against Him and end up experiencing pain, we already know that we are at fault. We know that we are the culprit for our pain. Instead of rebuking us, the Father embraces us with His love (The parable of the prodigal son) and gentleness to ensure that we are loved. It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. Once we experienced His goodness and are restored, He reveals to us what we could have done right.

Jesus came to reveal Himself as "grace and truth." There is an order of priority. Grace comes before truth. Truth must be wrapped up in grace. It's not the other way round. When grace is released, truth is received.

I must always remember to respond with love as the first thing whenever Jeshua suffers from the pain of his own action. Showing love is priority. Guiding him in what is right is necessary, but secondary.

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