Thursday 24 December 2015

Giving Choices

My wife and I made it a point to give J choices so that he can make his own decision. We learnt this from God our Father, who gave us freewill when He created us. Of course, we try to direct him to make the right decision so that he will grow up making right decisions on his own.

At the same time, whenever J makes a certain decision, we also allow him to face the consequence of his choice. For example, he gets to choose between eating gummy and playing in the bathtub. If he chooses the bathtub, he will not get to eat the gummy (after playing in the bathtub) despite his persistent request and cry.

Just two nights ago, my wife and I had a good laugh. He tried to imitate me but in an intelligent way. When we arrived home, we told him, "J, take off your shirt and pants and put them in the laundry bag." He did so. 

Wearing only the diaper, he asked himself, "Jeshua, do you want bathtub or play toy?"

He paused and answered his own question, "Bathtub!"

Again he responded to himself, "Okay!"

In these, he was questioning and responding to himself! It was hilarious!

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