Tuesday 8 December 2015

Look At My Face

As I was spending time in His presence yesterday, the Holy Spirit spoke to me - "When you ask Jeshua to look at you as a way to bring correction, you also need to use that to affirm him."

I fully understood what He meant. Quite some time ago, the Holy Spirit taught me how to bring gentle correction to my son by asking him to look at me. This is to enable him to be focused as he looks at my face. Only when he is focused, he will listen to what I say.

This is similar when it comes to our relationship with God the Father. More often than not, God is always speaking but we are not always listening. We are distracted by what we are doing and the circumstances around us. However, when we behold His face, we begin to hear His small, still voice and give ear to what He is trying to say to us. When we are focused on Him, we will listen to Him.

I have been using this whenever I need to bring correction and discipline to Jeshua. Most of the times, it is successful.

But the Holy Spirit has brought new understanding to me yesterday. Sometimes, when I say, "Jeshua, look at Papa", he will try to avoid looking at me. He knows that if he fixes his eyes on me, he will listen to what I say.

The Holy Spirit taught me that if I simply use this way for correction, my son will grow up fearful of beholding God the Father. He will think that beholding Him is equivalent to being corrected.

Apart from correction, I can use the same way to affirm him and love him. That is what God the Father would do to us.

Since yesterday, I have applied it a few times on Jeshua and I will keep applying.

Look forward to having more understanding on the Father's heart through the Holy Spirit towards Jeshua.

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