Monday 7 December 2015


Last night, I sneakily looked from outside of Jeshua's room to see what he was doing. It was intentional that I didn't want him to notice my presence.

He was trying to pack his writing materials, i.e. Crayons, markers and papers into one of the boxes before placing it into the compartment neatly. It took him quite a while to get the order right according to his own expectation.

After trying to place the box into the right compartment a few times without success, he cried for help. As I stood there watching, I wanted to rush in and assist him. But I decided not to. There were two main reasons:

1) I wanted him to grow in perseverance

2) I trusted him to accomplish the task successfully

There are times when God the Father seems slow in responding to our prayer for help. It is definitely not that He doesn't want to. For many moments, I wanted to jump in and help Jeshua. If I as an earthly father felt this way, God the Father feels it even much more! He sees what we are trying to accomplish. But He decides to wait, not because He wants to see us fail miserably. In fact, He waits because He has full confidence in us. He trusts us to accomplish it successfully. In the midst of that, we also grow in perseverance.

What a lovely reminder of a loving Father!

P.S: I'm referring to our cry for help to accomplish stuff. It is not about healing, freedom, etc. God doesn't wait to respond because He already responded on the Cross. The time is always NOW for healing and freedom.

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