Monday 7 December 2015

Meal Times

Jeshua's meal times have been the most challenging part of parenting for my wife and me.

Very often, he doesn't finish his food. To make matters worse, it takes forever to get him to eat properly.

I felt frustrated after long periods of trying different ways to get him to eat. Occasionally, I lose my patience.

As I asked the Father, He showed me how it could be done and cultivated.

"Family eats together."

I realised that we haven't been very consistent in this area. Sometimes, we start feeding Jeshua after we have eaten, if he is not hungry and he doesn't want food. Sometimes, we let him eat first.

What God is saying to me is this, "Eat together as a family. As Jeshua sees us eating together regularly, he will learn to eat properly."

Past few days had been good. Jeshua ate on his own and finished a good portion. Praise Jesus!

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