Tuesday 4 November 2014

Being Close To Jeshua When He Is Sick

Jeshua is still down with a fever.

I realise that each time when he is sick, Carol and I will give in to him easily for what he wants, except for things that will harm him.

These two days, he wanted to watch his educational programme on the TV. We struggled to let him watch because it's not healthy for him to watch too much. Nevertheless, we gave in because of his fever and continual crying. Otherwise, I would have stood firm in my decision not to let him watch.

I wonder what God the Father would do. I believe that He will not give in to us (even when we are sick) if it will cause us harm. However, He does give strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. (Isaiah 40:29)

If the educational programme gives him "strength" while he is sick, it may not be a bad thing. Holy Spirit, please teach me more.

One thing I know is this... I feel drawn to Jeshua more when he is sick. This tells me that God the Father desires to draw even closer to us when we are weak or broken. When we are weak or broken, we can be assured that He is near.

Psalm 34:18 - The Lord is near to the broken-hearted.

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