Tuesday 18 November 2014

Whose Strength

Just a few weeks ago, we went to Plaza Singapura to buy a family luggage as we didn't have a proper one. Since there was a promotion, we reckoned that it would be wise to get one as we would be going for a vacation.

When you buy something new, you would want to check the condition of the item to see if there's anything faulty.

The salesman showed us how to check a new luggage in the fastest way. First, he spun the luggage to check the four mini-wheels under the luggage. Then, he pulled up the handle before doing various other checks.

Throughout the demonstration, Jeshua was paying full attention, observing what the salesman was doing. After we made the purchase and was heading home, he wanted to get his hands on the new luggage. Guess what? He wanted to spin the luggage like what the salesman did.

However, as he was only 21 months old, he didn't have enough strength to make it spin properly. As his Papa, I wanted to help him. I knew that he wouldn't be able to do it by his own strength. So as he pushed the bottom part of the luggage with both his hands, I pushed from the top. As a result, the luggage spun beautifully. He must have thought that he was the one doing it. The truth is, I was the one supplying the strength.

I am reminded that God the Father always supplies strength when we don't have the strength. Sometimes, like my son Jeshua, we don't even recognise that He's the One supplying us with the strength, especially when it seems that we are able to cope with various situations and handle different tasks and circumstances on hand.

Father, help me to have an attitude of thanksgiving when everything seems to be going well. I know that You are the One supplying me with the strength. I want to recognise it. And when I don't have the strength, I know that I can draw from Your divine strength. Amen.

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